Monday, January 30, 2012

And even when you lay it out, step by step...

I was at work today  as I often am on a Monday. And I was in the smoking area outside and somehow the topic of last nights post came up. Not that a lot of people in my immediate social circle are aware that I blog, but somehow someone brought it up.

The conversation was about SOPA. And my previous post about how people are unaware of the impending Canadian version was accurate, people 1. Have no idea what Bill C-11 is or have never heard of it, or 2. Don't understand the implications of the bill.

So I reiterated my explanation, gave a brief summary of what the bill could allow large companies to do, and how the process could be abused. I explained, if I had a blog (hypothetically right?) in which I discussed lollipops (for the record I hate the things..) and some big wig at Rogers decided for whatever petty reason that he doesn't like blogs about lollipops, he could have my blog removed.

I was met with looks of utter confusion..

I explained, all he had to do was file a complaint of copyright infringement against my blog.

"But it had nothing at all to do with Rogers.. what would that have to do with it?" were the assorted replies from my baffled co workers. And I explained to them, it would have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with my blog. The fact is, that that executive would be able to make the complaint against my blog, a totally false claim, and the service provider who hosted my blog would be immediately obligated by law to remove it. No investigation, no proof (doesn't this sound familiar?) no nothing.

So the point was made. People were genuinely surprised by this. I can't fault them, because most of the people who were present were middle aged women who care little for technology (did I mention I work for a web hosting company?) and even less for politics. That's fine, I can understand that they were unaware of the proposed bill. And, after sufficient explanation they were seemingly as appalled by it as they should be (Though I'm certain they forgot the conversation moments later).

Well, one of the more tech savvy people in the building (he works in tech support, duh!) comes out to have a smoke. He's as close as I've ever come to meeting a real life hippy. It's not hard to tell after several minutes of conversation that he enjoys a little puff puff here and there, he enjoys long winded conversations about the most random of topics (I swear to God he tried to have a conversation about anal fissures one day..). He's just, a hippy. Well, he, as he does, immediately jumped into the conversation to which he knew nothing about. He does this quite often. People often avoid going out to smoke while he's there for fear of being railroaded into a pointless and rambling conversation. For the record, he means well and he's a friendly enough guy, but still. You all know someone like that.

But I digress..

So, I recapped what I was talking about. His response was as startling as it was moronic;

"They'll never control the internet."

I'm amazed. Utterly and thoroughly amazed. How could someone miss the point so entirely???


They WANT to control it. And this bill will let them do just that. The bill is a step by step instruction manual on how to limit freedom of expression online. I can't even begin to explain how incensed I am at the response. In fact, here I am several hours later at home, relaxing, having a beer, and I'm still vibrating just thinking about the utter IDIOCY of that statement.

People, wake the hell up. This is not one of those political things that "the activists" scream and moan about that actually makes no difference. This isn't PETA protesting the 30 seconds of video depicting mice in a documentary because it's cruel to the mice to use their likeness without permission. This isn't some over complicated political issue that isn't going to affect the middle and lower class.

This is an affront to our rights as citizens of this country. The lobbyists pushing this bill want nothing more than to be able to control what we are allowed to say online. That's the bottom line, that is exactly what they want. There is no exaggerating here. This isn't hyperbole. That is EXACTLY what they want, and the government is starting to see the benefit of that as well.

But hey, who gives a shit right? Cause: "They'll never control the internet man.."

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